Opinion: Poor Data Capturing, the Greatest Injury NPFL Players have Suffered

By Oladele Emmanuel - For those who have been following the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) and maybe Journalists will agree with me that most players in the League are not properly captured in terms of data in the media (Internet), except for those who are who at some point received national team call-up.

For example, an agent from outside Nigeria heard of a player in the league and quickly goes on the Internet to check for his data, if the player is not properly captured on the Internet, retrieving his data might be difficult and whoever checking for the data might lose interest.

This is also happening as a result of clubs in the Nigeria League not having a website or a functional one.

In this case, am talking about players personal data, achievements, and some other interesting features that will make anyone to be so much interested in the player, like we have on Wikipedia and some clubs websites. It will also help fans to know more about their players. It will amaze you that some NPFL players does not appear in the news for a whole season, except for when LMC Media are doing match live updates on their Facebook and Twitter page. You can be more famous when you have adequate data in the media.

During the week, I was discouraged checking for a player data and I could get little and not updated, many must have been facing same challenges.

This makes a player to lack media publicity, though, players who scores in the league regularly might have fair data on the Internet but still needed to be captured on the club website or Wikipedia.

Players with poor Data on the Internet might miss some great opportunities.

The League Management Company (LMC)
should advise all clubs to have a functioning website and all their players should also have a page on Wikipedia. Kudos to LMC Media, they are trying but need to be more creative.

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