Algeria Football ruling body,FAF has finally confirmed the appointment of Georges Leekens as national coach. It was officially published on their website yesterday.
So the press release says, "the commission,after consulting several technicians, we had a shortlist of five coaches.The choice was clearly Georges Leekens to lead the national team. This choice was approved unanimously by the members of the federation.
The release also gives details about the trip to Nigeria, "about the match between Nigeria and Algeria of the 2nd day of the playoffs of the 2018 World Cup, all the steps taken to put the national team in best condition.The hotel has all logistical means to ensure a good experience and good preparation for the match which will take place November 12, 2016 at 17:00 local time in the city of Uyo. "The Algerian delegation will move from Algiers to Uyo aboard a special flight of Air Algeria on November 10, 2016 and will be back right after the game."
Regarding the Afcon 2017,provided from January 14 to February 5 in Gabon the FAF says "the Algerian delegation who had already paid visits to the four cities that will host the tournament has, at the end of the draw, reserved the base camp for the national team in Franceville.The hotel where the national team will prepare in which is located in the area of Moanda is next to the practice field. The training camp of the African Cup of nations will be held at the national technical Centre of Sidi Moussa and will leave for Franceville few days before their first game against Zimbabwe on January 15, 2017."
Photo Credit : dzfoot